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![]() Who am I?
![]() Name: Jared Skye
![]() Age: 17 years old
![]() I dislike most styles of martial arts available to the general public. I find that they are so far commercialized and concerned with their image that the true essence of the art itself has been lost. Whenever I go to tournaments or talk with other martialists, I mostly see and hear the same thing when I talk about other styles than what the practitioner is involved in: "That stuff is so stupid..." "Such and such a style is so much better than that style...". Blah blah blah, it's all gibberish to me. I find that this is especially so when it comes to conversing with others about a style developed post-1900. Even Jeet Kune Do is under heavy amounts of slander from alot of older martialists and students of older martialists that blindly follow in the path of their master.
![]() For some who may not know, Jeet Kune Do (The Way of the Intercepting Fist) is a style which was created by the very accomplished martial artsist Bruce Lee (Jun Fan). Now, I'm not a person that will attest that Bruce Lee was the greatest martial artist of all time (he was far from it), but he was most definately an insanely great one. The man trained more than most of us would EVER dedicate time to. This made him great. Not his movies. His training. Yet, when you talk to people (even people who know of his training), they still throw insults towards Jeet Kune Do because it's newer. Some people don't believe that anyone has the right to think that they could possibly improve on the arts as they are today. These people have the capability and opportunity to be good martial artists, some of the best... but they will never be as good as they could be.
![]() So, I've thrown off the shackles of conventional martial thought and decided to create my own style of martial arts that better suits my needs and interests in martial arts. Mocking new arts means that we should not try and expand on that which is already available. This is the same as saying that some of the best books of all time were written before any of us were born, so no more books should ever be written. If you are a person that thinks like this, then I'm sorry. But you could be a tenth degree grand-master in the most difficult style to master known to man, and I would still come out and tell you that I whole heartedly disagree with you without any reservation what-so-ever.
![]() I am Buddhist, and from the teachings of my religion that I hold in such high regard, I will neither judge nor persecute others for not holding to my own beliefs. I am not here to sway your own beliefs on martial arts, just to voice my own opinion and let you see how I view things (if you'd like). We are all right in our own way I guess...
![]() Yet, only through honesty with ourselves and others may we truly move forward. To grow stagnant is weakness at it's finest. In my opinion, of course.
![]() Go with peace.
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